
Friday, 27 May 2016

My 100WC

Our class has been writing 100WC and this is mine I hope you enjoy.

Yaldhurst Model School                            We All Went To Sleep
After camping in the forest for 4 days now and the fire still would not light up so we tried and tried and tried again but still would not start and so we fell asleep and we were dreaming of the fire starting and historically the next morning the fire started so Bob, Dave and I drifted off to sleep we thought about catching a fish ‘Goodnight Bob’ ‘Goodnight Dave’. Goodmorning World can we light a fire said Dave I guess so come on you can do it Dave! I think I sore a glimpse of a fire ‘YES WE DID IT YAY!’ ohno the flame flickered out.


  1. Hi Tim
    Nice story, I liked the way you used commas and speech marks because it makes your writing look more professional.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I really enjoyed reading your story.


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